State of the Spark: 26 Week Edition

Just over 26 weeks pregnant, nearing the end of my second trimester. I had a fetal echocardiogram this morning to take a close look at our baby’s heart.

Little Spark is looking good. Growing well (just over 2 pounds at this point) and very active. My heart soared to see her teeny, tiny little heart just beating away, and even with my untrained eye I could see the four chambers working in harmony together, so different than Rowenna’s early echos.

I watched as they scanned and measured and listened. I laughed as she kicked and punched the ultrasound wand so hard it bounced right off my belly. I saw her sweet little face, and I swear she is going to look just like her dad.

But mostly I wanted to just jump through the ultrasound screen and scoop my little girl up. Seeing her face, seeing her little mouth that looks so much like hubby’s, feeling her kick while seeing it on the screen, she was all of a sudden so real to me. It seems like all along I’ve been in love with the idea of another baby. I’ve been going through the motions of pregnancy but I don’t think I believed she would actually come home with me until I saw her today.

Or maybe I just couldn’t let myself believe it.

She’s in there and she’s thriving. She responds to a finger pressed into my belly and to our kitten purring while draped over me. She’s real, and she’s coming.

And now I just long to hold her. I want to see her tiny fingers and toes and kiss the top of her tiny head. I want to simultaneously show her to the world and guard her close, a baby I can hold as much as I want, whenever I want.

Just 14 weeks to go!

One strong little foot!

One strong little foot!


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