Kelle Hampton

Kelle Hampton is a little bit of a celebrity in the Down syndrome world. I’ll be honest – I’m not 100% sure how that happened so I don’t have a good story about why she rocks other than to say that this woman, in fact, totally rocks. (I’m willing to bet this “celeb status” is a bit of a mystery to Kelle as well.) She’s a mom who blogged long before her Nella (a little beauty with Down syndrome) was born. And then she just kept blogging.

Therein lies the beauty of her blog. It’s a rare day when the words “Down syndrome” grace the page. Kelle skillfully (and often heart-wrenchingly) shows the world that Down syndrome changes nothing. Life goes on. You still get to have tea parties and draw with chalk on your driveway and dress your little girl in funky tights and cute headbands. You still love. You still hope. You still live.

It’s very subtle advocacy but boy, it works.

Kelle’s little Nella is about to turn one. In honor of her daughter, she asked her readers to donate $5 to Nella’s ONEder fund. All proceeds will go to the National Down Syndrome Society whose purpose is to create a culture that fully accepts individuals with Down syndrome. Individuals like Rowenna.

Her original goal on January 7 (yeah, just a week ago) was $15,000. As of today (January 15), the fund has over $63,000. Momma Kelle rocks.

Back to my point. She recently posted a video that very eloquently expresses how she feels about her Nella and I wanted to share it with all of you because it is exactly how I feel about my Rowenna. I’m not asking my readers to donate (please do if you feel so moved! NDSS is a GREAT organization) but I would love you to see the video here.

Just wanted to share some love today! Happy weekend everyone!



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