Sometimes you read something and you wonder if that person somehow read your thoughts and put them into writing for you. I stumbled across this poem while reading another blog about a mom and her kiddos, including a beautiful girl with Down syndrome. Instant tears. Our Fragile Emissary by Nancy Tupper Ling With modern screening […]
Tag Archives | Down syndrome
What I Know – December 2010
I’ve been inspired by something I read in an online forum for parents of kids with Down syndrome. Someone posted a list of things she knows for sure in light of all that is uncertain in her life right now. Since I can absolutely relate to that feeling, I thought it might be helpful for […]
Today we received a difficult phone call. Down syndrome is caused by a third full copy of the 21st chromosome. That is why it is sometimes called Trisomy 21. Of all the people in the world with Down syndrome, 96% have a completely random form caused by a third 21st. 3% have what is called […]
6 Months
My baby girl is 6 months old today. If you would have told me 6 months ago that today I would be this happy, I would not have believed you. Those early days were rough and ugly and raw. A hundred horrible things ran through my mind as I tried to come to terms with […]
Thanksgiving 2010
Thanksgiving is hands down my favorite holiday. Always has been, and I suspect it always will be. For me, it is the holiday that best embodies love, family, friendship, and laughter. I can’t think of one Thanksgiving I didn’t laugh. I can’t think of one I didn’t enjoy. It’s a pure holiday – no trappings, […]
Over the weekend I attended an acupressure course. The weekend was healing on many levels, but it left me with a lingering thought about “should.” The particular type of acupressure covered in class is governed in part by Taoist philosophy. The concept of “The Way” is particularly important. There is no one way, no right […]
This weekend I stood up in the wedding of a dear friend and sorority sister. I was terrified to go. One of the other bridesmaids, also a sorority sister, has a son who is just one week older than Rowenna. I didn’t know if I could see him and hear about him and watch him thrive. I […]
Footie Pajamas
I just want to share this very simple thought with you: A snuggly baby in footie pajamas has to be the greatest thing in the world. Rowenna and I spent a great morning snuggling while the wind howled outside the window. She listened to me sing and ran her fingers through my hair. She flashed […]
Just a Little Post
It’s been a while since I’ve posted something. I’ve been deep in thought these last weeks, thinking about my life and my baby girl. I’ve wanted to write about a couple things but realized that I’m not quite ready to put words to some of the things on my heart right now. So, here’s a […]
What Life Is
So I really thought I had truly, deeply, fully accepted Rowenna’s diagnosis. I could read about what to expect and not freak out. I could see our upcoming milestones and see ways to help her get there. I could talk with moms of other children with Down syndrome. I could spend time with “typical” babies […]
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