SPOILERS. If you have not seen the Glee episode “Shooting Star” and do not want details, please do not read further. * * On Thursday, April 11, Glee aired an episode called “Shooting Star.” The Down syndrome community appears to be in an uproar about it because Becky (the character with Down syndrome) played a […]
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Chapter 3: The IEP
We have an IEP for Rowenna. I’ve written this post about 5 times, each looking at this from a different angle, each sounding a bit bitter about the whole process and inspiring me to try again for a more pleasant report. I’ve given up on trying to spout sunbeams about the IEP (feeling like perhaps […]
Chapter Two: In Which Rowenna Has an Evaluation
Last week, Rowenna had her formal evaluation with the local school district. This evaluation will determine whether or not she qualifies for special education services. There are a few possible outcomes in our district. Children can qualify for “full time” schooling (4 days a week, about 2.5 hours each day), part time schooling (2 days […]
Chapter 1: In Which the School District Meets Us
Disability World is full of transitions. Most of them are somewhat artificial – they are driven by funding streams and federal laws rather than a specific need. Rowenna is quickly approaching one of these transitions. Right now she is in the Birth to Three program. This is exactly what it sounds like – she started […]
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