Nature Baby

Over the weekend we went camping with my family. It was a great way to relax, and it was a relief to be able to be outside and not feel like we were melting. In fact, we wore sweatshirts most of the weekend and it was a welcome change.

There is a peace to being outside, and a calm that comes over you when you feel a cool breeze or wake not to an alarm clock but to birds chirping and leaves rustling.

Take Rowenna for a walk through the woods and she flings her arms wide and sings softly. At the risk of sounding a little hippy-dippy about the whole thing, Rowenna doesn’t just hang out when she’s outside – I am telling you that this girl communes with the natural world around her. You can see the peace come over her and a little bit of wonder twinklse in her eyes.

Of course, this communing also involves tasting grass and rocks so there are some downsides to it all.

But in this way, in the wonder and joy she finds in the world around her, she is much like her dad. It was a joy to watch the two of them explore this weekend. I love to watch the pair of them look at leaves and rocks and chatter on about the things they see. The spark I see in hubby’s eye when we camp or hike or garden is the same I see in Rowenna and I am glad they already have something to bond over.

We had so much fun this weekend and it was very renewing for me. There are still obstacles for me to overcome, and healing to do, but this weekend was a good start, watching my sweet girl explore and grow.


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