Baha’i Faith: Day 5

What does the Bahá’í faith have to say about disability? (obviously a topic near and dear to my heart)

When Rowenna was first born, we scrambled for guidance. We dove into the writings seeking some comfort and an answer to that huge, ugly, looming question: “Why?”

We found quite a bit about what to do when things don’t go as planned and we did find some peace there. But then I came upon this little gem:

“Know thou that the soul of man is exalted above, and is independent of, all infirmities of body or mind.”

And while “infirmities of body or mind” may not be the greatest way to phrase it, I love this because it echoes exactly what I feel about Rowenna.

Rowenna is Rowenna. She has an extra chromosome, her diagnosis is literally part of her, but her soul – her essence, her core – has nothing to do with her health, what she can do, what she can’t do.

My faith affirms what I believe to be true about disability in general. Abilities are just the way we access this world. Our souls, our true selves, are not dependent on ability. Our souls shine, and our abilities do not define us.


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