Thin Place

So when I first started reading a forum for parents of kids with Down syndrome, one poster in particular sort of stuck out to me – in a good way. One day I got a note from her asking if I happened to be Baha’i. Being an observant gal, she had noticed that both my screen name and my blog name are references to writings from the Baha’i faith and not just some poetic turn of phrase. I got a note from her asking if I was Baha’i, and a virtual friendship formed.

I feel very connected to this momma, and her blog makes me laugh and cry (sometimes both at once!) and always makes me think. She’s running a series over on her blog called Thin Places. A Thin Place is somewhere the space between heaven and earth is particularly thin, a place where God feels especially present. She asked me to write a piece for her series, and I wrote about the Baha’i House of Worship.

So today, my blog post is over on Meriah’s blog, “doozeedad.” You can link directly to my piece here. While you’re there, poke around and read some other entries! Meriah has some beautiful, thoughtful, intriguing things to say. At the very least, catch a photo of her brilliant stars Moxie and Micah. I hope you enjoy her writing as much as I do!


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