I’ve been inspired by something I read in an online forum for parents of kids with Down syndrome. Someone posted a list of things she knows for sure in light of all that is uncertain in her life right now.
Since I can absolutely relate to that feeling, I thought it might be helpful for me to list the things I know for certain, right here, right now. And maybe I’ll do this occasionally in the next months and years so I can look back and see how far I’ve come.
So what do I know for sure?
1. I have a beautiful daughter named Rowenna Anne.
2. I am 100% head-over-heels in love with my daughter.
3. I am a good momma for Rowenna.
4. I won the husband lottery when I married my hubby.
5. I am a stellar knitter.
6. I have no idea what Rowenna’s abilities will be.
7. I will do everything within my power to help Rowenna grow and develop.
8. I am good at this sign language thing so far.
9. Cold weather gives me cabin fever and I would do just about anything to move to Key West.
10. I will be back in the workforce again someday.
11. Rowenna will always be loved by her family – unconditionally and unfailingly.
12. I have no idea where life goes from here.
13. I know God will help us even though His plan isn’t 100% clear to us at the moment. Any hints/outright messages (in a dream, email, text, or voicemail – whichever You prefer) would be greatly appreciated at this time, God.
So, not much. 13 things I know for sure. But that’s better than nothing as far as I’m concerned. I am hopeful this list will grow with time.
Our future is very uncertain. My heart aches. But my daughter is smiling and babbling and an ever-present source of joy. We can do this, we just need time.
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